Collecting Sip Stack from Exchange Unified Messaging Server



Hello everyone. Welcome to more things Exchange and Lync or Skype. That sounds like a good title for an article. Maybe Some day. For today, I would like to just make a call out for a logging process, I have used many times in complex Unified Communication Call issues, normally involving lync.

I spent a lot of time Trying to use the event logs of UM to try to find the problem. The fact is the Sip communication is not happening in Exchange, as many of you know. So then what?

What is UCMA! UCMA takes care of the processing of the sip stack. Therefore, it world make sense that a Skype Engineer would be more interested in seeing the out put from its logs.

Maybe I could have read about IIS to find this out, or maybe I just don’t deal with it enough. So I relied on my friends in the Netherlands to help with the syntax. Please see their original article here

The bottom line is you need to know what is happening in UCMA. Check out this TechNet video. It may give you a start to the path you are about to go under:

Things to know: UCMA uses UCWA. UCMA is only for Voice. UCMA takes the sip messages and turns them into C sharp. This is as close to the Sip message as I have seen. Logs can be viewed in Skype with Snooper.

Now That you have watched the video, Please keep this information handy to begin to log UCMA for sip messaging. Did you know the following all rely on UCWA and UCMA? wow!

  • Mobile App
  • Web Client
  • Outlook web APP
  • Exchange UM

Here are the steps to get your logs.

  • 1. Open command window
  • 2.Go to cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft UCMA 4.0\Core Runtime\Tracing
  • 3. Type OCSTracer.exe Start  /Component:Collaboration,TL_noise,tf_component,tf_diag, tf_protocol,tf_connection
    /Component:S4,TL_VERBOSE,tf_component,tf_protocol / LogFileMode:NewFile,20
  • Reproduce our problem
  • OCSTracer.exe Stop /Component:Collaboration /component:s4  /OutputFile:traces.txt /View


I hope this is a helpful read and I hope you fix your Voice issues on UM or Lync or Skype, or Exchange or UCWA or UCMA or wherever they may reside!



Exchange UM diagnostic logging commandlets

I got tired of looking them up every time, so here they are if you want to make a script out of them:


Set-EventlogLevel "2013mb\MSExchange Unified Messaging\UMCore" -level Expert
Set-EventlogLevel "2013mb\MSExchange Unified Messaging\UMWorkerProcess" -level Expert
Set-EventlogLevel "2013mb\MSExchange Unified Messaging\UMManagement" -level Expert
Set-EventlogLevel "2013mb\MSExchange Unified Messaging\UMService" -level Expert
Set-EventlogLevel "2013mb\MSExchange Unified Messaging\UMClientAccess" -level Expert
Set-EventlogLevel "2013mb\MSExchange Unified Messaging\UMCallData" -level Expert

Get-EventlogLevel "MyUMServer\MSExchange Unified Messaging"

Or you can just get them from the Tech-net Site