Skype For Business: How to change the SQL connection string on the Call quality Database


I just installed the Skype for business Cube. This is otherwise known as the Call Quality Database. The Application runs on IIS, and connects to a CUBE within SQL. In reading some of the other blog information, I ran across a customer question about how to change the Back end connection. While I don’t have a need to move my Back end, I decided to take a quick peek to see if I could move my back end should the need arise.

I would warn everyone up front, not to make any changes to your existing connection string unless you have a copy of that string. You may find you need to go back to that If things go wrong for any reason.

The journey begins by going to the CQB Site. In the middle pane choose the “Configuration Editor”. This is under the management section in IIS. The screen shot below shows this in Feature View.




Once open, pay attention to the two drop downs at the top of the center pane. They are likely not set to where you need to go. You will need to choose the section as “connection string”. But more importantly, you will need to choose the From value. It must tie to the level of the IIS web site that matches where the application is bound to SQL.



In my lab I chose “Default Web Site/CQD Web.Config” in the section I chose Connection string. Now you notice nothing comes up in the center pane. You need to choose edit from the action pane on the right. If you did it correctly, you should be looking at your connection string.



Unfortunately this is where we must part ways. I am not going to move my database today as I have a soccer game to go to. However you get the idea on how this is done. I would leave you with the comment that each “From” drop down item has its own string. Therefore you will need to set each from connection string adequately.

I hope this has been helpful.


One thought on “Skype For Business: How to change the SQL connection string on the Call quality Database

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